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5 Reasons Why List Articles Are Really Annoying

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Listicles are massively popular these days — in our technologically advanced but common-sense-ically challenged society the internet is full of em. Millennials gobble up ‘5 reasons why this’ and ’10 reasons don’t do that’ like a full English after a night out on the piss.
Truth be told, they can be a bit a annoying, and here are 5 reasons why.
1. You Only Read the Titles and Skip Straight Past the Text
There’s actually no point writing anything here, you’re not reading it anyway. I might as well tell you what I had for lunch. Nothing. I was too busy writing this listicle.
But, part of the first law of thermodynamics states that in an isolated system the total energy is constant; energy is neither created nor destroyed and merely changes form. The universe can be classed as an isolated thermodynamic system, so all the particles you’re made of have existed in one form or another since the beginning of time.
If you’re actually reading this then you (might’ve) learnt something new. Yay!